
A wonderful small instrument I fell in love with. I even built my own banjo-ukulele. The is already plenty of information about the ukulele so I will provide some of my favourite links and also something about my ukulele journey.


I could probably just start and end this section just by Top 50 Ukulele Sites 🙂. I actually don’t play the ukulele since 2016 so the list can be a little outdated, but I would pinpoint UkuleleHunt and Ukulele Underground. Some more links I found useful:


I just have to add a brief note about strings. Strings impact ukulele sound a lot. Good strings can brighten up even a low-quality instrument. Each ukulele can benefit from a different set of strings so it requires trying some different sets. I was always satisfied with Aquila (Nylgut) strings.

My ukulele path

I love music. I attended guitar lessons for like 10 years, starting when I was in elementary school I think. Playing the guitar was always fun but I never was a keen player. After I finished the guitar lessons (after high school) I just occasionally played/refreshed some songs. But then I found The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain. I was excited by this little instrument and I just had to try it (in 2010). Ukulele wasn’t widely known here and mine was actually just catching dust until I found another video – Jake Shimabukuro – While My Guitar (Ukulele) Gently Weeps. I was fascinated when I found out what can be played on a ukulele so I started learning Shimabukuro’s version.

When I was satisfied enough with my version of While My Guitar, I posted it on YouTube. Yeah, just like a big show-off. But then I gained a few subscribers. I thought they must be expecting more content so I suddenly felt somehow obliged to create more videos 🙂. So I started searching for new songs and practising. Later I focused on classical pieces and adapted a few songs I used to play on guitar for the ukulele. I was a keen player then. Playing almost daily. I even got a little nervous when I made a playing break for a few days. I think my biggest achievement is Bach’s Toccata:

I was playing for several years until I got a chance to try a bass ukulele and started playing in a band. So I said farewell to the classical ukulele in 2016 and since then I’m exploring the world of bass. Perhaps I will get back to the classical ukulele again, one can never know.

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